Jahzeel lives by the inspiration and intention of his dreams

Author Jahzeel Campbell

Jahzeel Campbell inspires by any means. Author, Poet, International Artist and Educator he believes and realizes the power of dreams. With experience that spans from dance instruction at  local New York schools to touring internationally, Jahzeel lives by the intention to put dreams into action. His first book, “[jah-zeel]” is a compilation of spoken word … Read more

Ending Hunger One Meal At A Time -BHCCC

More Than a Meal Mobile Pantry

Beth-Hark Christian Counseling Center, Inc. (BHCCC) offers help, healing, and hope.  The organization has been on the front lines of food justice, providing services through its soup kitchen and pantry.  For BHCC’s 30th anniversary, DreamDevelopment helped launch a campaign to fund a mobile pantry called More Than A Meal. If 1000 people gave $30, BHCCC would fund up … Read more

Where equity, justice, and entrepreneurship meet in Amelia’s vision

Amelia Thompson

Mercy, justice, and community are the ties that bind every endeavor Amelia Thompson establishes.  If visions were trees, Amelia would have a forest. The root organization is Renew Today which undergirds global initiatives including menstrual equity (WeDeliverPeriod), juvenile justice (WeWriteLife), and entrepreneurship (BrooklynByFaith).  Amelia’s company Two Five Consulting offers strategic planning, evaluation support, and fundraising consultation … Read more

Establishing lasting change in Haïti from Community 2 Community (C2C)


They went because of the earthquake. They stayed because of the people. On January 12, 2010, an earthquake (7.0. magnitude) struck and devastated the island nation of Haiti. In 35 seconds, over 300,000 people lost their lives and more than 1.5 million lost their homes. Community2Community (C2C), a non-profit service organization, was born not just … Read more